If there is one thing that magicians can’t play a trick on, it’s probably health. The famous magician Penn Jillette had to go through weight loss after his doctor mentioned that he had a risk of cardiovascular disease. He decided to undergo a strict potato diet and regular exercise. He then was able to lose around many pounds of excess weight. Discipline really pays off! Jillette’s rigorous diet resulted in a 100-pound worth of weight loss.

And his doctor and the insurance company couldn’t be any happier for such a good improvement in his health. As he is a fan of doing things the hard way, he goes with his diet program the hard way too. He has proven himself successful and definitely, on top of his mountain. We all know magicians don’t really reveal their secrets, but he made an exception with this one. Other than his food diet, he also adopted an extreme form of intermittent fasting.
