Tuki Brando and Marlon Brando

Known for his performance in the role of Don Vito Corleone in the Godfather films, Marlon Brando certainly is in a league of his own. Did you know the actor even declined an Oscar award for this particular role, which left everyone speechless and in awe? Why he refused the credit he was being given still remains unknown. The actor may have passed away in 2004, but like every role he has played throughout the years,

he has become an indelible mark on the industry. One which many young actors aspire to become one day. His grandson, Tuki Brando isn’t too far behind, though. While his work is mostly centered in modeling, his success is nothing short of impressive. In fact, he is also the face of Versace Menswear and exudes the same degree of charisma his grandfather once did. Tuki is the son of Cheyenne Brando and Dag Drollet.
