Matilda Ledger and Heath Ledger

Fans all over the world mourned the sudden passing of actor, Heath Ledger. However, no one carried the weight of this loss more than his daughter, Matilda. Perhaps this is why many people consider it a blessing that he had done so many films prior, thus allowing his daughter to be with him through the characters he had played on screen. Sad as this might seem, Matilda did grow up to become a lovely young lady who bears quite a close resemblance to the late actor.

Thanks to the effort of her mother, Michelle Williams, along with some of her father’s closest friends Matilda did not have to worry when it comes to having emotional and financial support. Now that she’s fifteen years old and living in New York with her mother, the teen enjoys a more private life and will likely choose to focus on getting a degree instead of going into acting. This is something that we’re sure both of her parents would be proud of.
