Sunday Rose, Faith Margaret and Nicole Kidman

We all know Nicole Kidman as one of the finest actresses in Hollywood. Not to mention the fact that she is also one of the highest paid for years now. This success isn’t just limited to her career, however, because Nicole is also enjoying a harmonious life with her family. Few people are aware of the fact that she adopted two children together with her former-husband, Tom Cruise. Those kids are all grown up now and have respective careers of their own.

We’re sure both Nicole and Tom are proud of their individual achievements. Nicole also has biological children of her own together with Keith Urban. Sunday Rose and Faith Margaret will soon be in their teens, but it doesn’t seem as if they are interested in the entertainment business. Fun fact: Nicole once dedicated her Best Actress Award she won last 2017 Emmy Awards to her children saying “I am also a mother and a wife. I Have Two Little Girls, Sunny and Faith. This is yours”.
