Sailor Brinkley Cook and Christie Brinkley

Many supermodels from previous generations went on to have children of their own, who also followed in their footsteps. We’ve seen such examples from the likes of Kate Moss and Cindy Crawford. Our next mother and daughter pair are no different. Christie Brinkley was among the most sought-after models of her time, landing projects for some of the biggest brands. Of course, modeling isn’t a job that one can keep forever and eventually, even Christie went into retirement. Her legacy isn’t completely lost, however, because her daughter Sailor Brinkley is steadily following in her footsteps.

In 2016 alone, she managed to capture everyone’s attention by speaking out against body shaming. In her words, “No body type is superior to another. Everybody is different and each and every one of those (bodies) are beautiful and strong and important and worthy of great things. Don’t freak out if your stomach doesn’t look like theirs. Don’t hate yourself for your thighs. Embrace your body type, work hard, set goals, be healthy and constantly remind yourself that you are good enough!”
