Albert II, Prince Of Monaco and Alexandre Grimaldi-Coste

The relationship which started in 1989 between Nicole Coste and Prince Albert gave us Alexander. Although his birth was outside wedlock and despite the fact that he has no right to his father’s throne, the same cannot be said of his father’s $1 billion. Currently 15 years of age, he lives a secured life and has enough time to plan his future without including any form of loans. Born on August 24, 2003 and originally named as Eric Alexandre Stephane Tossoukpe but was later changed to Coste via her mother Nicole Coste,

who was a former flight attendant of Air France before she met Prince Albert II. Under the Monegasque constitution, Alexandre Grimaldi-Coste is not eligible for the succession of Monegasque throne but the former spouse and illegitimate children of Prince Albert II’s $1 billion fortune is still inheritable but if the prince chooses to remarry her, Alexandre Grimaldi-Coste will clearly become an heir and change his name to Prince Alexandre.
