Dhani Harrison and George Harrison

The name George Harrison should be familiar to you if you are a music lover. Being one of the originating members of the Beatle with a series of top-class collaboration, George made a fantastic career out of his music. His son, Dhani doesn’t just resemble him physically, he has also inherited his father’s legacy. One that he is able to carry with ease, considering he is equally as talented in the realm of music.

Sure, there is some pressure involved given George Harrison’s contributions to music, but Dhani’s experience is prowess certainly speaks for him. Despite doing his best to maintain individuality, he isn’t averse to participating in work related to his father. Such is the case with the documentary dedicated to George that he appeared in. George passed away in 2001, but we’re sure he left investments to ensure the financial security of his family. After all, the Beatles each had multi-million net worths thanks to their massive success.
