Arlene Dahl is a retired American actress from the ‘50s. She rose to fame as a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) contract star and is considered to be one of the surviving stars of the Golden Age of Hollywood. At her prime with MGM, she was able to star in several successful and profitable films for MGM, except for quite a few that flopped. Perhaps her most successful film was her lead role in the 1959 adventure film Journey to the Center of the Earth.

Following her hiatus from show business for more than 20 years, she has been seen in a weekly column on papers for her take on beauty and attending to her investments in her lingerie business. Arlene does not captivate her followers based on her physical appearance and talents alone, but also her proficient skills in business and investments. Indeed, she has still maintained the elegance and femininity that was always within her.
