Wentworth Miller gained popularity on his TV series, Prison Break. For twelve long years from 2005 to 2017, Prison Break dominated the primetime and received several accolades, giving Miller popularity as an action star. After getting a degree in English from Princeton University, he pursued a career in acting, something he had always shown an interest in.

In 2013, Miller came out to the public via a letter that he wrote concerning his declining an invitation to an event. Lots of support and admiration came pouring in for Miller for his brave act. Since then, he has been linked to several actors; recently, he was linked to Luke McFarlane. The Canadian actor is famous for his role in Brothers and Sisters, which aired on ABC. The 41-year-old actor came out in 2008. The two were reportedly dating but have not yet confirmed their status. Miller is said to be a very private person and does not comment on his dating life.
