20/20 | ABC | Currently Airing Season 43

20/20 is a long-running television news magazine that has been broadcasting on ABC since 1978. The show, initially created by ABC News executive Roone Arledge, features a program that’s similar to CBS’s 60 minutes, featuring several in-depth story packages, and it focuses on human stories rather than international and political topics. Interstingly, the “20/20” name came from the “20/20” measurement of visual sharpness.

20/20 continues to air and broadcast to this day, and it’s currently in its 43rd season. We certainly have to give a ton of credit to the people in ABC for continuing to renew the show. Expect 20/20 to continue to become a staple for Friday evenings, as it has now shifted to a two-hour format. The show now highlights various true crime stories and celebrity scandals, which we’re confident most viewers will find extremely interesting.
